New blog platform

New blog platform

Five years ago I decided to start a blog on the topic I like the most, PostgreSQL. After evaluating the different platforms I decided to use blogger, as I needed something very basic. Over these years I discovered how blogger is limited, in particular when writing documents containing source code. For example, book’s chapters are pretty rubbish, despite the efforts I made to write them. In most of the cases I had to take screenshots of the code and paste it as image to avoid the formatting to be scrambled.
Migrating MySQL to PostgreSQL

Migrating MySQL to PostgreSQL

When I started writing pg_chameleon I had in mind a tool making simple to migrate from different dbms engines to PostgreSQL. The name was inspired by the Culture Club’s Karma chameleon song which suggested me the idea of a tool capable to move data between different database technologies. Then tool’s scope changed becoming a replica system rather a migration system but I’ve kept the name as I think the idea is still valid.

pg_chameleon v2.0.0.alpha2 is out

Has been a while since I wrote a post on this blog. I’ve been quite busy on coding pgchameleon’s version 2. I finally managed to release an alpha1 the 11th of November but this release had several issues which prevented the users to have real tests. However, after a week of debugging I’ve released pg_chameleon v2.0.0.alpha2 which is now quite usable. For a complete command line reference and an usage example click here.

Happy birthday pg_chameleon

Today is one year since I started working seriously on pg_chameleon. With this commit I changed the project’s license to the 2 clause BSD and the project’s scope, evolving the project into a MySQL to PostgreSQL replica system. Initially this change was just a try. I needed to synchronise the data between MySQL and PostgreSQL and at that time the only option I had it was to use the MySQL foreign data wrapper, eventually to copy the data locally every now and then.

pg_chameleon 1.3 out

Bugfix emergency release v1.3.1 I discovered a regression when running the init_replica caused by a wrong handling of missing time in master coordinates. Sorry about that. After another round of bug fixes I’ve released the version 1.3 of my pet project pg_chameleon. The package is available on pypi as usual. The changelog is available here. If you have any question/issue to discussI created a community on gitter. Please join! I’ve also added a RELASE_NOTESfile to explain the changes.