
Happy birthday pg_chameleon

Happy birthday pg_chameleon

Today is two years since I started working on pg_chameleon. Back in 2016 this commit changed the project’s license from GPL v2 to the 2 clause BSD and the project’s scope, which became a MySQL to PostgreSQL replica system. Since then I learned a lot of lessons, made several mistakes and worked out solutions which resulted in a decent tool for bridging two different universes. Writing a replica system is a very complex task.
New adventures in time and space

New adventures in time and space

When in February I received the email with the news that my talk was accepted at the pgcon it took me some time, and several espresso coffee, to realise that I wasn’t dreaming. The pgcon email reached me few days after the same talk was accepted at the pycon nove, the Italy’s nationwide Python conference. The Italian Pycon and the Pgcon are great conferences with amazing speakers and fantastic topics. The sole idea of giving my small contribution it makes me proud and a little scared, because I never talked to an audience composed mostly by fine developers.

pg_chameleon v2.0.0.alpha2 is out

Has been a while since I wrote a post on this blog. I’ve been quite busy on coding pgchameleon’s version 2. I finally managed to release an alpha1 the 11th of November but this release had several issues which prevented the users to have real tests. However, after a week of debugging I’ve released pg_chameleon v2.0.0.alpha2 which is now quite usable. For a complete command line reference and an usage example click here.