
pg chameleon 1.0 alpha1

As mentioned in the presentation I did at the Brighton PostgreSQL Meetup, pg chameleon is a commute project. In general I work on it when I travel. And thanks to the pgconf and other requirements I travelled a lot recently. This is the presentation’s recording (sorry the audio is suboptimal). So I was able to build a minimum viable product which seems to work properly. The alpha1 release is available for download and testing here

presenting pg chameleon at the brighton postgresql meetup

Back from Estonia after the amazing European PGConf 2016 I’m about to give a talk on the MySQL to PostgreSQL replication project I’m developing. But first things first. I want to thank all the organisers of the PGConf Europe. The talks were super interesting the location absolutely stunning and the old and new friends I met, remembered me how amazing is the PostgreSQL community. Unfortunately I missed the social events (did somebody said a DBA can have social life?

If you close your eyes you can smell Estonia

It’s almost time for the pgconf 2016. This year the conference is in Tallinn the capital of Estonia. The conference is packed with super interesting talks which I really look forward to listen. I’ll also present the talk life on a rollercoaster which tells the story of the last 4 years of a DBA(just guess who’s he :P) dealing with large large PostgreSQL installations. I decided to make the talk with a narrative, and hopefully, entertaining form, in order to avoid to bore the audience to death.