pg_chameleon beta 1 out

After fixing few bugs I decided to release the first pg_chameleon beta.

The package details with the changelog are available here

These are the notable changes.

  • Switch to psycopg2 2.7.x - Thanks to Daniele’s work now the requirement installs without need for python or postgresql headers, making the install in virtualenv much simpler
  • Install system wide or in virtualenv follow the same rules. The configuration files and the package files are installed in the python’s site-packages/pg_chameleon. 
  • Configuration directory created at first run. If not present the $HOME/.pg_chameleon/ directory is created when is executed the first time. The script creates  the directory and the required config dir with the config-example.yaml file. 
  • The write_batch function is now using the copy_expert in order to speedup the batch load. The fallback to inserts is still present.

 The release is already available on pypi

The documentation is available here

Please report any issue on the project’s github page

However if you like to get in touch you can ping me on twitter @4thdoctor_scarf or if you prefer to chat, on irc there is a dedicated channel #pgchameleon (you can find me logged in at night).