Post Archive

This is the archive of the old blog hosted on blogger. The old blog is still available on the url

Brigthton PostgreSQL Meetup news

I’ve been busy recently and I failed to update on the last meetup news. I apologise for that. We had a very interesting meetup in January. Alexey Bashtanov explained how the grouping works in postgres and how to improve or even re implement in C the grouping functions. On the meetup page there are the pictures from the meeting. The presentation’s recording is available thereand the slides are free to download on slideshare there.

It's bigger on the inside

I’ll be at the University of Ferrara Saturday 9th of January for a PostgreSQL afternoon. This is the confirmed schedule. 15:00 - Federico Campoli: PostgreSQL, the big the fast and the (NOSQL on) Acid 15:40 - Michele Finelli: The PostgreSQL’s transactional system 16:20 - Coffee break / general chat 16:40 - Federico Campoli: Streaming replication 17:30 - Federico Campoli: Query tuning in PostgreSQL 18:00 - Michele Finelli: An horror fairy tale: how we have lost a database

Meetup wrap up

This second meetup went very well. The audience was interested and we had fun time thanks to the beer and pizzas offered alongside with the venue by our sponsor brandwatch. Here a couple of pictures from the meetup. The recording worked much better than the previous time, here’s the presentation’s video. We’ll meet again shortly for a nice beer. Next technical talk will be probably in January.

Meetup live hangout

Three days to go for the next Brighton PostgreSQL meetup. I’ll run a live hangout of the talk. You can join the event there. The record will become available on youtube shortly after the talk’s end.

Streaming replication at the brighton postgresql meetup

November 27th at 19.00 GMT I’ll talk at theBrighton PostgreSQL meetup. This time the group chosen the streaming replication as topic. The talk will cover the PostgreSQL write ahead logging and the crash recovery process. The audience will learn how to setup a standby server using the streaming replication and how to troubleshoot it. Please RSVP here.