Amazing pgug Estonia

Last 30th of May I had the honor to talk at the second Estonia PostgreSQL User Group. My talk was about my pet project pg_chameleon and it went very well. The audience was about 40 people highly interested in the topic and the questions were all around. I’m impressed by the Estonian PostgreSQL User Group. Their organizational skills are amazing, the members interest is very high and they are fantastic friends.

pg_chameleon v1.1 out

Last week I announced the stable release of pg_chameleon as I felt quite confident the tool worked properly. However the murphy law is always ready to teach us we live in an interesting universe. A couple of days after the release I noticed on a server which data were modified seldom a strange replica issue. For some reason at specific moments of the day the inserts replayed on the postgres tables failed with the primary key violation.

pg_chameleon 1.0 RC1 available now

In 2013 I started my pet project pg_chameleon to discharge my frustration only to find the entire thing even more frustrating. It’s fascinating how time and circumstances can fix the personal perspective revamping the passion for development that never left me. This philosophical introduction is to tell I still can’t believe I’ve relased the RC1 of my pet project pg_chameleon. The release is already available on pypi and includes several bug fixes and performance improvement.

pg_chameleon beta 1 out

After fixing few bugs I decided to release the first pg_chameleon beta. The package details with the changelog are available here These are the notable changes. Switch to psycopg2 2.7.x - Thanks to Daniele’s work now the requirement installs without need for python or postgresql headers, making the install in virtualenv much simpler Install system wide or in virtualenv follow the same rules. The configuration files and the package files are installed in the python’s site-packages/pg_chameleon.

pg_chameleon alpha4 available on pypi

Over the last week end I finally worked trough python’s setuptools and relased the alpha4 for pg_chameleon 1.0. This is the final alpha version the version 1.0. The system now can be installed in the virtualenv just typing pip install pg_chameleon It’s important pip is up to date so if there’s any error upgrade pip with pip install pip –upgrade The first install creates in the user’s home the directory .