
The sea elephants

Friday 14th August we kicked off the Brighton PostgreSQL Meetup. We had a nice evening with cool people all togheter discussing about PostgreSQL and how we can run effectively the meetup. We decided to have a regular monthly meetup hosted around Brighton, possibly, by companies or any suitable venue. The next meetup will be the 25th of September and this time there will be some PostgreSQL talks. The general interest favours the standby servers and the streaming replication.

Meet Marvin

There is just one day left and we’ll start the Brighton PostgreSQL Meetup. I invested some resources in this project like and I truly believe it can be a success. I still can’t believe that in just one month 25 people already have shown the interest on being part of the Brighton PostgreSQL Group. And today another nice suprise. I received the new shiny mascot for our group. He’s Marvin, the sea elephant.

Brighton PostgreSQL Meetup

After a while I finally started a PostgreSQL Meetup in Brighton. I reckon there are several people interested in PostgreSQL in the UK and I’ve met many of them in the Sussex area. I’m quite new to the Meetup platform so I still need to learn how to use it correctly. However, anybody is absolutely welcome to help to organise a PostgreSQL community in the area. The link is here. http://www.