
See you in Brussels

The next week I will present at theFosdem PGDay 2017. This is the first time I travel to Brussels, the first time I visit the Fosdem and the presentation is almost brand new. I gave the same presentation at the last Brighton PostgreSQL meetup and this helped me to tailor the slides in a better way. During the talk I will explain about the first project I was assigned since I joined Transferwisein July 2016, where I helped the analyst to move a struggling MySQL database, used for the business intelligence, into a faster PostgreSQL 9.

presenting pg chameleon at the brighton postgresql meetup

Back from Estonia after the amazing European PGConf 2016 I’m about to give a talk on the MySQL to PostgreSQL replication project I’m developing. But first things first. I want to thank all the organisers of the PGConf Europe. The talks were super interesting the location absolutely stunning and the old and new friends I met, remembered me how amazing is the PostgreSQL community. Unfortunately I missed the social events (did somebody said a DBA can have social life?