In 2013 I started my pet project pg_chameleon to discharge my frustration only to find the entire thing even more frustrating.
It’s fascinating how time and circumstances can fix the personal perspective revamping the passion for development that never left me.
This philosophical introduction is to tell I still can’t believe I’ve relased the RC1 of my pet project pg_chameleon.
The release is already available on pypi and includes several bug fixes and performance improvement.
After fixing few bugs I decided to release the first pg_chameleon beta.
The package details with the changelog are available here
These are the notable changes.
Switch to psycopg2 2.7.x - Thanks to Daniele’s work now the requirement installs without need for python or postgresql headers, making the install in virtualenv much simpler Install system wide or in virtualenv follow the same rules. The configuration files and the package files are installed in the python’s site-packages/pg_chameleon.
Over the last week end I finally worked trough python’s setuptools and relased the alpha4 for pg_chameleon 1.0.
This is the final alpha version the version 1.0.
The system now can be installed in the virtualenv just typing
pip install pg_chameleon
It’s important pip is up to date so if there’s any error upgrade pip with
pip install pip –upgrade
The first install creates in the user’s home the directory .
Thanks everybody for listening. And massive thanks to the PostgreSQL Europe staff for organising an amazing conference.
The slides from my talk are available fordownload here.
The open source replica system is on github and hopefully Transferwise will also release the customised obfuscator soon.
The next week I will present at theFosdem PGDay 2017.
This is the first time I travel to Brussels, the first time I visit the Fosdem and the presentation is almost brand new. I gave the same presentation at the last Brighton PostgreSQL meetup and this helped me to tailor the slides in a better way.
During the talk I will explain about the first project I was assigned since I joined Transferwisein July 2016, where I helped the analyst to move a struggling MySQL database, used for the business intelligence, into a faster PostgreSQL 9.
As mentioned in the presentation I did at the Brighton PostgreSQL Meetup, pg chameleon is a commute project.
In general I work on it when I travel. And thanks to the pgconf and other requirements I travelled a lot recently.
This is the presentation’s recording (sorry the audio is suboptimal).
So I was able to build a minimum viable product which seems to work properly.
The alpha1 release is available for download and testing here
This is the recording of the pg_chameleon presentation I gave at the Brighton PostgreSQL Meetup
The slides are available here
Back from Estonia after the amazing European PGConf 2016 I’m about to give a talk on the MySQL to PostgreSQL replication project I’m developing.
But first things first. I want to thank all the organisers of the PGConf Europe. The talks were super interesting the location absolutely stunning and the old and new friends I met, remembered me how amazing is the PostgreSQL community. Unfortunately I missed the social events (did somebody said a DBA can have social life?
The slides from the talk Life on a rollercoaster are available here
It’s almost time for the pgconf 2016. This year the conference is in Tallinn the capital of Estonia. The conference is packed with super interesting talks which I really look forward to listen.
I’ll also present the talk life on a rollercoaster which tells the story of the last 4 years of a DBA(just guess who’s he :P) dealing with large large PostgreSQL installations.
I decided to make the talk with a narrative, and hopefully, entertaining form, in order to avoid to bore the audience to death.