Post Archive

This is the archive of the old blog hosted on blogger. The old blog is still available on the url

pg chameleon 1.0 alpha1

As mentioned in the presentation I did at the Brighton PostgreSQL Meetup, pg chameleon is a commute project. In general I work on it when I travel. And thanks to the pgconf and other requirements I travelled a lot recently. This is the presentation’s recording (sorry the audio is suboptimal). So I was able to build a minimum viable product which seems to work properly. The alpha1 release is available for download and testing here

Goodbye to Ubuntu, hello Slackware

When I first read about the systemd I truly believed the linux community would be able to improve this init system. Or at least to stop it if not good enough to be used as replacement for sysvinit. I was wrong. After a strong and poisonous debating Debian switched to systemd in Jessie. Several contributors left Debian and organised a fork called Devuan which is pushing for the init freedom.

presenting pg chameleon at the brighton postgresql meetup

Back from Estonia after the amazing European PGConf 2016 I’m about to give a talk on the MySQL to PostgreSQL replication project I’m developing. But first things first. I want to thank all the organisers of the PGConf Europe. The talks were super interesting the location absolutely stunning and the old and new friends I met, remembered me how amazing is the PostgreSQL community. Unfortunately I missed the social events (did somebody said a DBA can have social life?

If you close your eyes you can smell Estonia

It’s almost time for the pgconf 2016. This year the conference is in Tallinn the capital of Estonia. The conference is packed with super interesting talks which I really look forward to listen. I’ll also present the talk life on a rollercoaster which tells the story of the last 4 years of a DBA(just guess who’s he :P) dealing with large large PostgreSQL installations. I decided to make the talk with a narrative, and hopefully, entertaining form, in order to avoid to bore the audience to death.

An evening with Psycopg2

The next meetup at Brighton will be Friday 14th October at 19.30. Daniele Varrazzo will kindly talk about the most popular PostgreSQL driver in the python universe. Psycopg is the most used PostgreSQL driver for the Python programming language. As a driver it stays at a relatively low level, allowing to use all the features offered by the database. Behind the scenes, it does its best to convert the rich Python data model into the likewise rich PostgreSQL data model:

Mighty morphin power elephant

Back in the 2013 I started playing with sqlalchemy to create a simple extractor from heterogeneous systems to be pushed in postgresql. I decided to give the project a name which recalled the transformation and I called pg_chameleon. To be honest I didn’t like sqlalchemy. Like any other ORM adds an interface to the data layer with a mental approach to the data itself. I lost the interest to developing a migrator very soon, and after all there are thousands of similar tools thousands of times better than mine (e.

News from the outer ring

After the summer break the Brighton PostgreSQL meetup restarts with the monthly technical talks. This time is my round again. I’ll speak on how to scale the backup and recovery on large postgres installations. Actually this is the talk I’ve submitted to the european pgconf. I made the talk in a storytelling form in order to avoid to bore the audience to the death. The talk should be quite entertaining with explanation of the issues solved by the DBA over the years.

Another evening with PostgreSQL

Thanks to the Ferrara’s University, departement of Engineering I’ll attend to another evening with PostgreSQL. This time the event will be a seminary with all talks made by me. The first talk will cover our beloved elephant’s history. The second talk will look to the engine with particular attention to the MVCC and the memory manager. The final talk will cover thebackup and recovery with pgdump and the streaming replication.