
A mechanical elephant

A mechanical elephant

In the previous post we modified the apt role for controlling the setup in a declarative way. Then we added a ssh role for configuring the three devuan servers. The role is used to configure the server’s postgres process owner for ssh passwordless connection.

In this tutorial we’ll complete the setup for the postgres user and then we’ll configure the database clusters with a new role.

Happy birthday pg_chameleon

Happy birthday pg_chameleon

Today is two years since I started working on pg_chameleon. Back in 2016 this commit changed the project’s license from GPL v2 to the 2 clause BSD and the project’s scope, which became a MySQL to PostgreSQL replica system. Since then I learned a lot of lessons, made several mistakes and worked out solutions which resulted in a decent tool for bridging two different universes. Writing a replica system is a very complex task.
Keep talking

Keep talking

In the previous post we configured three devuan servers from scratch using ansible adding the pgdg repository to the apt sources and installing the PostgreSQL binaries.

This tutorial will revisit the apt role’s configuration and will introduce a new role for configuring the postgres operating system’s user for passwordless ssh connections to each other server.

The maze of the elephant

The maze of the elephant

In the previous post we introduced the PostgreSQL’s dependency system.

At first sight the implementation can look like a maze where the succession of relationships are not clear.

This post will try to give a practical example to show how pg_depend can act like an Ariadne’s thread in order to resolve the dependencies.

The scenario presented is very simple but can be used as a starting point for more complex requirements.