
DBA day 2022 and other silly stuff

DBA day 2022 and other silly stuff

Again there is another pretty long hiatus.

Thing happens and independently from how bad my childhood was, family comes first.

Anyway after a rollercoaster ride that started in July 2021 things are getting more stable.

DBA day 2019

DBA day 2019

Has been a long time since I wrote on my blog. The paths that life decides for you are strange. Often what you planned is completely scrambled by something bigger and completely unforeseen.

Back in 2018 I planned to relocate to France but the move went quite wrong for reasons that only now I can see clearly.

Anyway, finally after 10 months wandering without a real home I’m finally settled down somewhere.

Then this is is the perfect occasion to celebrate the second database administrators appreciation day.

Back in 2018 I launched the event because there were no day dedicated for this obscure and yet very important figure within the enterprises.

Therefore don’t forget 5th of July, it’s the day when you should say thank you to your DBA for all of the hard work.

Happy birthday pg_chameleon

Happy birthday pg_chameleon

Today is two years since I started working on pg_chameleon. Back in 2016 this commit changed the project’s license from GPL v2 to the 2 clause BSD and the project’s scope, which became a MySQL to PostgreSQL replica system. Since then I learned a lot of lessons, made several mistakes and worked out solutions which resulted in a decent tool for bridging two different universes. Writing a replica system is a very complex task.

An apology for the Pycon 9

The 20th of April I was supposed to give the pgchameleon’s talk at the Pycon 9. However personal issues prevented me to come to Florence. This post is an explanation and an apology for the pycon 9 attendees and organisers.

DBA may cry

DBA may cry

Database administrators usually work behind the scenes, over the weekends and in antisocial hours. They strive to look after the database which is at the core of any business with little or no recognition.

The sad truth is that the DBA is one of the most obscure and one of the less appreciated roles within the IT organisations.

Le peloton

Le peloton

Few years ago I went trough a massive frustration. My team aligned with the rest of the company in using the Agile methodology. Initially the team decided to use Scrum then it switched to a sort of kanban. However even both approaches failed miserably dropping the team in utter chaos. I remember the daily standups. It was like playing a stage role, people stated the tasks for the day knowing that that task would be not the one the will work on it.
New blog platform

New blog platform

Five years ago I decided to start a blog on the topic I like the most, PostgreSQL. After evaluating the different platforms I decided to use blogger, as I needed something very basic. Over these years I discovered how blogger is limited, in particular when writing documents containing source code. For example, book’s chapters are pretty rubbish, despite the efforts I made to write them. In most of the cases I had to take screenshots of the code and paste it as image to avoid the formatting to be scrambled.